Strong family bonds
Working in Mozambique to offer children a better start and prepare them for a happy future.

We provide safe and nurturing family-based care for children who really need it, enabling them to belong in a family and thrive in life.
Supporting Families
We are passionate about children having a safe family to live with. Tutela provides support to help struggling families to stay together and give better care. And for children who are abandoned, we provide them with caring foster families.
Family-Based Care
For children who need a new family, we provide nurturing family-based care with trained foster mums and dads. The foster carers have everything they need to offer a loving family experience, including the support from a social worker.
For children who have been thrown on the world’s rubbish heap, Tutela is committed to giving them renewed hope.
Joana’s Story
For girls like Joana*, finding a home of safety and acceptance is the beginning of having their circumstances transformed. Joana was placed with Tutela’s foster carers Seb and Rida in early 2019 as a nine year old girl and since then she has learned what it means to belong in a safe and happy family. Life had not always been this way for Joana, in fact it was anything but safe, settled and caring…
* Name has been changed to protect confidentiality